On May 25, 2007, I began 101 days of a Summer Sabbatical which has two purposes: Renewal and Refocus
RENEWAL is what I am seeking personally. It is the inside stuff of having a fully alive, fully engaged heart with God.
REFOCUS is what I am seeking in my ministry - a BIG GOD-VIEW PERSPECTIVE.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Reflections On the Plane

OK, I didn't realize how difficult it would be. I'm sure most people look at this Sabbatical time and say, "Wow - sure wish I could do that!" Some have thought that this is just an extended vactation - my favorite - "The God-Cation."

Truth of the matter is, the leaving has been hard . . .
  • Hard to leave people you love so much
  • Hard to let go of responsibilities you carry
  • Hard to leave people you do daily life with
  • Hard to let go and be led when you are used to leading
  • Hard to leave unfinished responsibilities (or at least I think they are unfinished)
  • Hard to leave everyone behind (even Gwen for the first 15 days)

Can I also share the tension - the polarity - in desiring God but the fear I have of finding Him?

It was strangely wonderful to get on the plane . . . Hopes mixed with fears . . .

I'm so glad - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want . . .

Thursday, May 24, 2007

DAY 1 OF 101

It's hard to believe that the Sabbatical is within hours of beginning. For months I have anticipated this day. I wondered what it would be like. I'm not sure I know what to do. I'm asking God to be my Shepherd.

To lead me.

To teach me.

To speak to me.

Day 1 of 101 (Friday, May 25) I fly to Salt Lake City where I will rent a car and drive to a town just East of Gallop, New Mexico. From there I will take several days to hike and explore National Parks and Monuments as well as other open areas.

You've heard of MapQuest, well I have DonQuest. Don Peterson, a faithful friend and prayer partner, mapped the entire area out for me - people, exact exits to take, roads, what to see (and skip) and so much more. Don has been an incredible gift to me - freeing me from having to plan - freeing me to be led. Thanks Don for your gift!

For the first 15 days I will be alone. On day 15, Gwen will join me to complete this first block of the journey - a sort of time of decompression and physical, emotional, and soul rest.

Prayer Requests
  • The discovery of God's leading and a rhythm for the beginning of this journey
  • A deep sense of joy in God's presence
  • Personal renewal - beyond what I can comprehend
  • Deep marital oneness and sharing
  • Oh yeah, and all of the travel and safety issues

Thanks again for sharing in this journey with me!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Confidence, Credibility, Competence

Probably the most visible thing I do is preach. I love to teach. It is a huge responsibility but one that brings me great joy.

Soooo . . . letting go of teaching for an entire summer is - EASY - when I am so Confident in our Teaching Team. They have a great level of Credibility and Competence. The unity we experience, the joy and energy we share in preparing; the deep understanding of and love for the congregation we serve make letting go of this responsibility for this season a delight!

Pastor Peter Yoshonis and Pastor Dave Horne will be carrying the bulk of the teaching times. They are delivering two summer series that we all assisted in developing. These series will have year-long impact on us.

At SLWC we strive to be about Developing People. The Teaching Team is a wonderful example of this mission fulfilled.

Please be in prayer for this team:
  • Weekly preparation in the midst of their regular responsibilities
  • Anointing from the Holy Spirit
  • Deeper Mission Engagement (this is not a static or "holding on" time but a time of growth and progress

It's going to be a great summer in the Word!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Renewal in Israel

I am just preparing to board a flight to come home from Israel - a trip that indeed was a Spiritual Odyssey.

There is something about this land that renews your heart and passion for Jesus and for the intensity of the love He offers. I found that renewing love in the sense of deep community I observed in how the ancients lived. They were close in proximity. They were together in travel and in work and in spiritual activities - in all of life.

I found the renewing love in the places of consuming passion and compassion - the journey to Gethsemane - where the final alignment was made to give his life and love for all of us - and for me. I found the renewing love in the place where after his mockery trial, he was beaten. In the place where He willing allowed the cross to be placed on Him and He on it.

His overwhelming love deeply renewed me - not only because I was here - but uniquely because I was here.

The trip has been a gift of heart preparation for the 101 days ahead - that begin in just one week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

101 Days of Prayer

This Sabbatical is 101 days long.

I will genuinely need prayer for each day. Many have already committed to pray - some even to fast - for me while I am gone.

If you want, pick a day (or days) between May 25 and September 4. Then simply e-mail my assistant what day you want.


If it's available she will sign you up and send you a reminder and specific requests.

Thanks for being a part of this Sabbatical experience through prayer.

Life Batteries . . . Again

We all have a battery supply we run off of . . . (see previous post). What happens when the battery is low? How do you get the battery "charged up?"

With car batteries, if the battery is dead or low you have a couple of choices:
  • You can jumpstart it - some tow trucks even have a "super charger" they can hook up that jolts it back to life
  • You can trickle charge it - hooking up a slow charger (6-24 hours) of trickle of electricity

Most of us jumpstart or super charge our batteries back to life - we take a drive or go out to dinner or a ball game or hook up with replenishing friends or get away for a weekend or do something entirely different than what has often caused the drain.

For the most part this works - for a while. Unfortuneately high numbers of repeated jumpstarts can actually damage a battery and make it weaker. It's true in our lives as well. We can often fall into a pattern of enduring and holding on until the next jumpstart - If I can just make it to Friday! If I can hold on until our getaway! If I could just get to the course. I'll be ok if I can just get to the mall!

Trickle charge might be a lot better solution - but it's not easy to adapt to - it's slower. It often requires waiting. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like anything is happening - it's like a crockpot! Trickle charging forces us to:

  • consider deeper causes for battery drain
  • take assertive action in addressing damaging patterns
  • discover grace to accept and embrace drains you cannot control
  • say no to others and to opportunities
  • slow down and say YES to people and things that matter more and most
  • live more intentionally

If your battery is low, jumpstarting can be ok, but trickle might be the only true re-charge for your life.

For me, I realized that the battery had been low enough for long enough that unless I found a way to trickle charge I might be irreparibly damaged for the Master's use.

So I have a Sabbatical starting in just 17 days (actually, it sort of begins with a tour of Israel with Gwen and the Teaching Team that begins today).

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Amazing Change!

Isn't it amazing how quickly they change!

Our Granddaughter Evee at just under 2 weeks old. . .

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Life Batteries . . .

We all have a battery supply of energy we live off of. It's the supply for us physically, emotionally, spiritually - every part of who we are.

It's good to have a battery that is fully (or at least more than half) charged. The energy is drained by activities, involvements, circumstances, events, experiences, people, being alone - by LIFE. Often it is recharged by some of the same things.

This is significant - What drains us and what recharges us varies from person to person . . .

Here are some things that recharge me . . .
  • Operating in God's strength (instead of my own)
  • Using God's unique spiritual gifts given to me in the specific ways He seems to have focused and developed them. For me that includes:

Leadership - Investing in, developing, and directing people to fulfill mission

Administration - organizing, developing systems, plans, and procedures to accomplish the mission

Exhortation - my speaking gift - knowing, expressing and explaining God's Word

  • Seeing God-intitiated life change - tranformed lives by God's grace - I never tire hearing of stories of peoples lives
  • Seeing teams form, build, and be used by God
  • Time alone - especially if I can quiet myself enough to listen
  • Praying with others - I am always recharged by this - I have built "mini prayer meetings" into my life with consistent people - Tuesdays, Saturdays, Sundays. I am so much more effective in prayer with others than alone
  • EVEE - Did you know I have a grandaughter?
  • Hugs and smiles
  • Hiking, volleyball, reading, riding my scooter
  • Time with Gwen. Time with friends

You might be asking - So, what drains me? Or, So what do you do as a result of knowing this?

That's for another entry . . .