On May 25, 2007, I began 101 days of a Summer Sabbatical which has two purposes: Renewal and Refocus
RENEWAL is what I am seeking personally. It is the inside stuff of having a fully alive, fully engaged heart with God.
REFOCUS is what I am seeking in my ministry - a BIG GOD-VIEW PERSPECTIVE.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Life Batteries . . .

We all have a battery supply of energy we live off of. It's the supply for us physically, emotionally, spiritually - every part of who we are.

It's good to have a battery that is fully (or at least more than half) charged. The energy is drained by activities, involvements, circumstances, events, experiences, people, being alone - by LIFE. Often it is recharged by some of the same things.

This is significant - What drains us and what recharges us varies from person to person . . .

Here are some things that recharge me . . .
  • Operating in God's strength (instead of my own)
  • Using God's unique spiritual gifts given to me in the specific ways He seems to have focused and developed them. For me that includes:

Leadership - Investing in, developing, and directing people to fulfill mission

Administration - organizing, developing systems, plans, and procedures to accomplish the mission

Exhortation - my speaking gift - knowing, expressing and explaining God's Word

  • Seeing God-intitiated life change - tranformed lives by God's grace - I never tire hearing of stories of peoples lives
  • Seeing teams form, build, and be used by God
  • Time alone - especially if I can quiet myself enough to listen
  • Praying with others - I am always recharged by this - I have built "mini prayer meetings" into my life with consistent people - Tuesdays, Saturdays, Sundays. I am so much more effective in prayer with others than alone
  • EVEE - Did you know I have a grandaughter?
  • Hugs and smiles
  • Hiking, volleyball, reading, riding my scooter
  • Time with Gwen. Time with friends

You might be asking - So, what drains me? Or, So what do you do as a result of knowing this?

That's for another entry . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis,
I am enjoying reading ALL the Jackson blogs!

So is their a recharge test (like a personality test) to help a person sort through what is recharging and what is draining?

Thank you for directing my mind to think about things! It helps me to recharge!

Staci Murray