On May 25, 2007, I began 101 days of a Summer Sabbatical which has two purposes: Renewal and Refocus
RENEWAL is what I am seeking personally. It is the inside stuff of having a fully alive, fully engaged heart with God.
REFOCUS is what I am seeking in my ministry - a BIG GOD-VIEW PERSPECTIVE.

Monday, June 25, 2007

This Week's Prayer Requests . . .

As we begin Block Two of the Sabbatical Journey, here are some requests . . .
1. Quick adjustments to time changes, etc.
2. Deep connection and encouragement with our missionaries to Slovakia - Steve & Jo Kilbry and family
3. A sense of rhythm to this time as individuals and as a couple
4. Continued understanding of Psalm 23 . . .
5. Travel to Bosnia on July 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still praying for you, first time I've seen your blog. Very difficult to find from slwc website, impossible to find otherwise (e.g. google-you have many namesakes, but google can't find you)
In Him,
